Mikimoto, world-renowned for its cultured pearls, unveils its enchanting new collection, The Bows. Presented at a prestigious event featuring celebrities such as Michelle Yeoh and Song Wei Long at Place Vendôme, this collection embodies the quintessence of romance and elegance.
Founded in 1893 by Kokichi Mikimoto, Mikimoto pioneered the world's first cultured pearls. True to the vision of its founder, Mikimoto continues to adorn women with sumptuous pearls, perpetuating a heritage of refinement and perfection.
The Art of the Ribbon
The Bows collection celebrates Mikimoto's signature theme of ribbons and bows. These pieces capture the romantic, graceful spirit of ribbons, adorned with Akoya pearls, mint-green tourmalines, diamonds and white gold. The bows are adorned with colored stones, delicately integrated to add a touch of delicacy and sophistication.